понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Two birds with one stone, and all that.

First, please visit www.penaddict.com. Heapos;s a fantastic pen reviewer, and itapos;s helped me immensely with my own personal addictions, to both the paper and the ink.

Second, I just got a call from my work. "because of sales, our store manager is cutting hours. Can you come in at 3, instead of 2?" Um, yeah, I CAN come in later, but whatapos;s going on? Iapos;m really quite nervous, cause in the whole time Iapos;ve worked there, iapos;ve never been asked to come in LATER. Ok, itapos;s just one hour, and it takes my working hours from 36 to 35, but iapos;m still a bit nervous. I hope that itapos;s not a sign of things to come. Iapos;m sure that iapos;ll be fine, itapos;s not like Iapos;m hurting for funds, or on the brink of not being able to pay rent. But iapos;m still very uneasy. Iapos;ll just have to ask when I go in. I hope itapos;s not specific to our department only. If itapos;s a store wide thing, I wonapos;t feel so bad. BUt if itapos;s our department only...this isnapos;t good.


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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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A front door mat might not be something that you think
About on a regular basis, it is something that everyone should have. This is
True for us in the winter, as without one, my floors are a wreck. It would seem
That taking off your shoes when you come into the house is just too much for my
Husband. He is always tracking through the house. I found that the mat does
Indeed cut down on some of the mess on the floor, and that I'm not getting quite
So angry with him.

A good front door mat will be one that easily cleans
Off the bottom of the shoe or boot. Though the ones that look like regular rugs
Are okay and will work, the ones with stiff bristles will work the best. We have
One that is a simple black color with stiff bristles sticking up. This type of
Front door mat will work even if you only half-heartedly brush your feet on the
Way in. The act of scuffing your boot or shoe on the mat just a few times takes
Off most of the snow and/or dirt that is clinging to the bottom. Though it won't
Clean off everything, I have seen a huge improvement since we got this

Because we live on the second floor, and the stairs are not heated,
It is almost like we have a spare entry room. I put one front door mat out by
The front door to get the majority of the gunk off of the bottom of everyone's
Shoes, and then a carpet-like front door mat before the French doors that lead
Into our home. This almost completely gets rid of any extra dirt and wetness
Before a person even walks into my home.

It's not perfect though. There
Are those who I would almost swear step over both of them just to track
Something into the house. I know this isn't true, but there are days that I feel
That way. These are the same people who mention what they have dragged dirt in,
Almost apologetically, and then shrug. Because I have hardwood floors, it's not
Really a great idea to walk around shoeless in the wintertime in my home, so I
Guess I am just going to have to put up with it. Perhaps I need a front door mat
That is bright orange so that no one can miss it

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Hey DC folks Kelly has a SmartTrip (Metro) card with like $150+ on it. She lives in Pittsburgh now. $75 OBO gets it. :-) Thereapos;s been much unpacking, and this popped up with an "oh shit, should have sold that already."

I really wish theyapos;d turn the heat on in my building. Itapos;s radiator heat, so once itapos;s on, itapos;s on for the winter, but goodgod, it was chilly in here last night. (<40F). Meanwhile, the landlord has been super, repaired the not-fully-busted-toilet without any complaint, saw the garbage on the neighborapos;s back porch, and told us heapos;d speak with the owner over there, and let him know if it wasnapos;t promptly resolved. A+++.

Terrorist: one who uses terrorism. Terrorism: to use fear to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. The mass media continues to enormously disappoint me, but anything that seems to report a more objective form of the news also seems to stray occasionally towards the far end of crackpot, ruining itapos;s perceived reliability.

Facebook keeps surprising me with the number of folks I stagger back into.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Okay I know Iapos;m on hiatus and all but Iapos;ll go on hiatus after this post. Okay before this I had a lot in mind to spill out here but now I dont.
(I just backspaced cos the next sentence is not gonna start with OKAY. Dammit.) I watched Max Payne with Aslam last Thursday and Mark Wahlberg looks pretty hot in black but heapos;s kinda chubby and the whole apos;black makes you shed a few poundsapos; thing really works in the movie so WAY TO GO to the wardrobe department And I just realised that you only see things like

1. Evil person keeps shooting the gun aimlessly while the hero runs away and the only people who get shot by the bullets are the non-important people around him.

2. Hero chases evil person and evil person enters this room and he suddenly disappears and the hero finds out that the window is open. Wow, weapos;ve heard Mas Selamat pull that one before so its not surprising anymore.

3. The hot babe thats with the hero wears as little clothes as possible during winter.

4. The whole apos;Good over evilapos; thing is so predictable.

Overall, I didnt really understood the movie cos its a dude flick. And I played Cooking Mama on his DS and its pretty demanding and scary cos if you cook wrongly, she will be furious and have flames in her eyes but after that, sheapos;ll be smiling again. And I made Panna Cotta with no sauce even after I cut the strawberries, there was no sauce.

I just have one thing to say actually, I have seen two sides of the story and I believe Iapos;m where God wants me to be. And Iapos;m not gonna blog about it or make it a private post cos I believe that thereapos;s no point of making things private when only selected people can see it and that if you want to bring a message across then bring it, dont hide it :)

One thing I canapos;t wait to do is it get out. Just get out and not look back and leave everythoing behind and take myself forward. I canapos;t wait for the day. And its a happy tone not a melancholic tone. I wish we were older (HEY ITS A METROSTATION SONG :D)

Iapos;m going cycling with Sib tmr


Run along now, goodbye.

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Today was fucked up James Mason.

James: Tell me about it.

Today really sucked. Got in two arguments with my dad, brother did...stuff in the bathroom...loudly.

I had to decorate the tree by myself because dad wanted to go back outside and drink a beer...

I want to talk to Ian really bad but heapos;s not on...and I donapos;t want to call because I might get him in trouble...


Today, life is fucked. And it hurts. And all I can do is bitch...

All my happiness...is gone.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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So, you know, I made the choice not to hit BOLA this year. But there was Davey announced, and then Aries, and those are pretty much two of the small handful of guys left that Iapos;d hit a live show for. Now... Theyapos;ve got Low Ki and AmDrag. And fuck if there isnapos;t a little fangirl inside me still that goes zomgdaveyarieskiamdragomgomgomgomgomgwhyarenapos;tigoingwaaaaaah.

Bah. BAH, I say.

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Iapos;m vegging out in front of the TV. Iapos;m watching my favorite news channel at 11 when one of the news stories is about a cat fight filmed in a home movie fashion. It reminds me of the home movie community event vids that Iapos;d heard NBC was soliciting of their devoted audience. Anyways, just before they break for a commercial, they tease the audience a bit by showing parts of the video where two girls are going at each other the way girls do when they fight. When we return from the commercial break, itapos;s obvious that the white girl is completely bitch slapping the brunette.

Then, the brunetteapos;s mother steps in and grabs a hand full of the blond girlapos;s hair and simply removes her from atop her daughter, much the same way that a cat would carry her brood by the neck. When the blond girl he set down at a safe distance from her opponent, and released, her racing blood simply gets the best of her as she attempts to stand her ground against the towering, overweight mother who simply bitch slaps the blond.

I start lol like a complete maniac with little morals about such things. I check myself and realize what an ass I must be having experienced a similar experience not just much older than the girls who were fighting are, and Chuck Henry and Colleen Williams have a completely straight face. I calm down and manage to control my insanity. We get on to the next segment of news, something about who the hell knows, when I visualize the thing all over again and start busting up. Again, I see Chuck Henry and Colleen Williams donapos;t flinch or flitter. WTF? That was funny stuff

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Never have I encountered a man that has so much to say about gibberish as does the man known as Socrates Donapos;t give me this nonsense of whats good and bad and the other likes. There will never be a definite answer; everyone has different views and have been raised in too different environments to agree on whats good and whats bad and what makes a good man Its all common sense anyways. He just makes it so much more complicated.

okay, maybe not.
Socrates is both wise and intelligent.

ooooh as the Athenians say, FOR LOVE OF ZUES, SHUT YOUR TRAP SOCRATES
I get it already ahhhhhhhhhhhh

I have gotten a fever and Iapos;m going crazy. If I read one more word from Socratesapos;s mouth, I think Iapos;ll blow up into a tiny pieces.

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