суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

favorite quotes life love cute

Okay I know Iapos;m on hiatus and all but Iapos;ll go on hiatus after this post. Okay before this I had a lot in mind to spill out here but now I dont.
(I just backspaced cos the next sentence is not gonna start with OKAY. Dammit.) I watched Max Payne with Aslam last Thursday and Mark Wahlberg looks pretty hot in black but heapos;s kinda chubby and the whole apos;black makes you shed a few poundsapos; thing really works in the movie so WAY TO GO to the wardrobe department And I just realised that you only see things like

1. Evil person keeps shooting the gun aimlessly while the hero runs away and the only people who get shot by the bullets are the non-important people around him.

2. Hero chases evil person and evil person enters this room and he suddenly disappears and the hero finds out that the window is open. Wow, weapos;ve heard Mas Selamat pull that one before so its not surprising anymore.

3. The hot babe thats with the hero wears as little clothes as possible during winter.

4. The whole apos;Good over evilapos; thing is so predictable.

Overall, I didnt really understood the movie cos its a dude flick. And I played Cooking Mama on his DS and its pretty demanding and scary cos if you cook wrongly, she will be furious and have flames in her eyes but after that, sheapos;ll be smiling again. And I made Panna Cotta with no sauce even after I cut the strawberries, there was no sauce.

I just have one thing to say actually, I have seen two sides of the story and I believe Iapos;m where God wants me to be. And Iapos;m not gonna blog about it or make it a private post cos I believe that thereapos;s no point of making things private when only selected people can see it and that if you want to bring a message across then bring it, dont hide it :)

One thing I canapos;t wait to do is it get out. Just get out and not look back and leave everythoing behind and take myself forward. I canapos;t wait for the day. And its a happy tone not a melancholic tone. I wish we were older (HEY ITS A METROSTATION SONG :D)

Iapos;m going cycling with Sib tmr


Run along now, goodbye.

communication style of leaders, favorite quotes life love cute, favorite quotes love, favorite quotes lyrics, favorite quotez.

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